Articulations And Body Movements Review Sheet

Introducing the Articulations and Body Movements Review Sheet, an invaluable resource designed to enhance your understanding of human anatomy and movement. This comprehensive guide provides a thorough exploration of the different types of articulations and body movements, their functions, and the muscles involved in each.

Delving into the intricacies of human anatomy, we will uncover the range of motion allowed by each type of articulation, empowering you with a deeper appreciation for the mechanics of the human body. Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery, where knowledge and understanding converge to illuminate the fascinating world of articulations and body movements.


Articulations and body movements review sheet

Articulations, also known as joints, are the points of contact between two or more bones. They allow for movement and provide stability to the skeletal system.

Types of Articulations

  • Synarthrosis: Immovable joints, such as the sutures of the skull.
  • Amphiarthrosis: Slightly movable joints, such as the intervertebral discs.
  • Diarthrosis: Freely movable joints, such as the knee and elbow.

Range of Motion

The range of motion allowed by a joint depends on its type and the shape of the articulating bones. Synarthroses have no range of motion, while diarthroses allow for a wide range of movements, including flexion, extension, rotation, and abduction.

Body Movements

Articulations and body movements review sheet

Body movements are produced by the contraction and relaxation of muscles. The type of movement depends on the muscles involved and the joint being moved.

Types of Body Movements

  • Flexion: Bending a joint, such as bending the knee.
  • Extension: Straightening a joint, such as straightening the elbow.
  • Rotation: Turning a joint around its axis, such as turning the head.
  • Abduction: Moving a limb away from the midline of the body, such as raising the arm.
  • Adduction: Moving a limb towards the midline of the body, such as bringing the arm down.

Muscles Involved in Body Movements, Articulations and body movements review sheet

The muscles involved in a body movement depend on the type of movement and the joint being moved. For example, flexion of the knee is produced by the contraction of the quadriceps muscles, while extension of the knee is produced by the contraction of the hamstring muscles.

Review Sheet

Articulations and body movements review sheet


  1. Define the three types of articulations.
  2. Provide examples of each type of articulation.
  3. Discuss the range of motion allowed by each type of articulation.

Body Movements

  1. Define the five types of body movements.
  2. Provide examples of each type of body movement.
  3. Discuss the muscles involved in each type of body movement.

Answer Key(Answers may vary)Articulations

1. Synarthrosis

Immovable joints, such as the sutures of the skull.

2. Amphiarthrosis

Slightly movable joints, such as the intervertebral discs.

3. Diarthrosis

Freely movable joints, such as the knee and elbow. Body Movements

4. Flexion

Bending a joint, such as bending the knee.

5. Extension

Straightening a joint, such as straightening the elbow.

6. Rotation

Turning a joint around its axis, such as turning the head.

7. Abduction

Moving a limb away from the midline of the body, such as raising the arm.

8. Adduction

Moving a limb towards the midline of the body, such as bringing the arm down.

Question & Answer Hub: Articulations And Body Movements Review Sheet

What is the purpose of the Articulations and Body Movements Review Sheet?

The Articulations and Body Movements Review Sheet is designed to assess students’ understanding of the different types of articulations and body movements, their functions, and the muscles involved in each.

What types of questions are included on the review sheet?

The review sheet includes a variety of questions that cover the different types of articulations and body movements, their functions, and the muscles involved in each.

How can I use the Articulations and Body Movements Review Sheet?

The Articulations and Body Movements Review Sheet can be used as a study guide for students, a teaching resource for instructors, or a reference guide for practitioners.